Post-Op Instructions

During the first 48 hours

  • Immediately after the extraction, bite on a gauze pad firmly for 30-60 minutes. Some oozing is normal; however, after 1 hour, repeat with a clean gauze pad if oozing is profuse or with a tea bag soaked in cold water for another 30 minutes. The site could ooze for as long as 24 hours.
  • Blood and saliva mix in the mouth and make it look like there is more bleeding than there really is.
  • Don’t spit, and don’t suck on candies or through a straw.
  • Don’t rinse your mouth.
  • Don’t smoke or use tobacco. Avoid Tobacco for at least 72 hours because it slows healing. See more here.
  • Avoid eating hot/spicy/acid food. Eat soft, nutritious and cold food chewing on the opposite side if possible.
  • To control discomfort, take pain medication before the anesthetic has worn off or as recommended.
  • Limit yourself to calm activities and elevate your head with pillows when you lie down to reduce bleeding.
  • To keep swelling to a minimum, use an ice bag over the area, 15 minutes every hour.
  • Start brushing and flossing again 24 hours after the surgery.

After the first 48 hours

  • You can rinse your mouth with salted water to disinfect. Brush and use flossing gently around the site to keep it as clean as possible.
  • Reduce soreness or swelling by applying moist heat. You may see some bruising appearing on your skin. Swelling and bruising usually start to go down after 48 to 72 hours.
  • Stitches will melt by themselves in 4 to 7 days. If it happens before, you should not worry.
  • It is normal to experience jaw pain during the week after the surgery.
Dentist at clinic dental Sherbrooke

When to call us?

  • Heavy or increased bleeding.
  • Pain or swelling that increases or continues beyond two or three days.
  • A bad taste or odor in your mouth around a week after your appointment.
  • A reaction to the medication.
  • If your condition needs immediate care and your dentist is not available, please go directly to the nearest emergency center.